Monday, February 2, 2009

My Narrative

Waves vs. Sung Jae Ko

On December 2008, during my Winter Vacation, my father decided to go to
Cancun in Mexico. My family and a friend of my dad with his wife or girlfriend came
with us, too.
When I was at the Barcelo hotel in Cancun, I decided to go to the beach with my dad’s friend. I was swimming, and I wanted to see who was faster a wave or me; I was faster than the wave, because I won the race!
Later, I swam deeper and farther away from the sea shore. I felt amazed and
scared because I felt something was coming to me, so I thought I could draw and die…
Then a huge and a scary wave came! I tried to swim back to the seashore, but the
wave was much faster than me! I thought the wave was going to drawn me, but it took
me to the seashore. After that, my dad’s friend came to me and asked if I was OK, but I
was laughing because I felt cool.
This adventure taught me that I have to be more careful, and I don’t need to
challenge myself too much or in dangerous ways.

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